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PA SDK Guide

latest version: v2.3



Welcome to Pocket Arena SDK documentation.

How to use

1 Insert script in the head tag of your game.

    <script src="jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script> <!-- jquery required-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="EmojiGamesPASDK.min.js"></script>

2 Create a new instance of SDK

var pasdk = new EmojiGamesPASDK({
    gameId : 'xxxxxx'    //game id

3 After below onComplete function is triggered, you can just call any API.

        console.log('sdk is ready. Now SDK API is available.') 
    }, function(err){ 
        console.log(err, 'error occurred during initializing.') 
  1. Insert script in the head tag of your game.
  2. Create a new instance of SDK
  3. After onComplete function of ISREADY is triggered, you can just call any SDK API.

Common API

new EmojigaGamesPASDK

new EmojigaGamesPASDK( options )

var options = {
    gameId : 'xxxxx',
    wrapperId : 'myGameCanvas',
    useLeaderboard : false
var sdk = new EmojiGamesPASDK(options)

new EmojigaGamesPASDK( options )

Create a PA SDK instance.


Argument Type Default Description
options Object - API call is success

options argument

Type Key Default Description
String gameId * - Game ID. You can get this id when you register your game.
String wrapperId c2canvasdiv Game canvas tag ID.
Boolean useLeaderboard false This option works only for the game that leaderboard is set to use. You can set leaderboard when you register your game.
true Use leaderboard.
false Not use.


Type Description
EmojiGamesPASDK SDK instance


ISREADY( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.ISREADY(function() {
    //onComplete arg

}, function(err){
    //error arg
    console.log('error object', err)

ISREADY(onComplete, onError)

SDK is ready to use. All functions of PA SDK should be called after this API is triggered.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



var res = pasdk.GETLEADERBOARDTYPE()

console.log('res', res)     // 'res win'


Get leaderboard type.

Return value

Type Value Description
String win Rank is based on number of win
score Rank is based on stage clear score or stage number.


SIGNIN( type, params, onComplete, onError )

email type

pasdk.SIGNIN('email', {email : '', password : '#12345678'}, 
    function(player, poc){
    //console.log('player', player)     //see PLAYER.GETINFO
    console.log('poc', poc)             //'poc null' | 'poc 28342'
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

sns type

pasdk.SIGNIN('sns', {snsName : 'facebook'}, 
    function(player, poc){
    //console.log('player', player)     //see PLAYER.GETINFO
    console.log('poc', poc)             //'poc null' | 'poc 28342'
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

SIGNIN( type, params, onComplete, onError )

User sign in. You can either make your own UI or use UI.SIGNIN API.

type argument

Sign in type

Type Value Description
String email For email sign in
sns For SNS account sign in (Google, Facebook)

params argument

Parameters to send to server. Key varies depending on the type argument.

For email type

Type Key Description
String email Email address
String password Password. Up to 8 characters

For sns type

Type Key Value Description
String snsName facebook

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success. It returns below arguments.
Type Argument Description
Object player Player data. See PLAYER.GETINFO
Number/null poc POC balance

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


SIGNUP( type, params, onComplete, onError )

email type

pasdk.SIGNUP('email', {email : '', password : '12341234', nickname: 'My Nickname'}, 
    function(player, poc){
    //console.log('player', player)     //see PLAYER.GETINFO
    console.log('poc', poc)             //'poc null' | 'poc 28342'
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

sns type

pasdk.SIGNUP('sns', {snsName : 'facebook'}, 
    function(player, poc){
    //console.log('player', player)     //see PLAYER.GETINFO
    console.log('poc', poc)             //'poc null' | 'poc 28342'
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

SIGNUP(type, params, onComplete, onError)

User sign up. You can either make your own UI or use UI.SIGNUP API.

type argument

Sign up type

Type Value Description
String email For email sign in
sns For SNS account sign in (Google, Facebook)

params argument

Parameters to send to server. Key varies depending on the type argument.

For email type

Type Key Description
String email Email address
String password Password. Up to 8 characters
String nickname Player's nickname

For sns type

Type Key Value Description
String snsName facebook

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.
Type Argument Description
Object player Player data. See PLAYER.GETINFO
Number poc POC balance

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


RESETPASSWORD( email, onComplete, onError )

pasdk.RESETPASSWORD ( '', 
    console.log('Verification email has been sent.');
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

RESETPASSWORD( email, onComplete, onError )

Send an email to reset password.

email argument

Type Description
String User's email address

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


POCPURCHASE( gameShopNo, onComplete, onError )

}, function(err){

POCPURCHASE( gameShopNo, onComplete, onError )

Request exchange POC for items or game currency such as Ruby. The item can be various depending on game.

gameShopNo argument

Type Description
Number The shopNo value received from GETSHOPINFO

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GETSHOPINFO( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.GETSHOPINFO(function(returncode, poc, gameshop){
    console.log('success', returncode, poc, gameshop);   //success 200, 4, see below about gameshop array
}, function(err){ 

gameshop object list

    "title":"item 1",
    "title":"item 2",

GETSHOPINFO( onComplete, onError )

Get info that exchanges POC for items or game currency such as Ruby. The item can be various depending on game.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Number returncode 200 : User verified.
401 : User needs to verify the account
Number poc User's POC balance
Array gameshop gameshop list. See below

gameshop object

Type Key Description
String shopno Shop unique id
String title Shop name
String itemimage Shop iamge
String itemamount Amount to buy
String pocamount Required POC to buy

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GETREWARDEXP( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.GETREWARDEXP(function(exp, poc){

    console.log(exp, poc) //87 18

    }, function(err){

    console.log('err', err) 

GETREWARDEXP(onComplete, onError)

Get user’s POC reward exp and amount to get when the exp reaches 100.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Number exp User's level experiece. in percent
Number poc Amount of POC that user will gain when current exp reaches next level. (ex : x18). /n Returns null, If user has not done verification.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu

OPENLINK( siteName, pageName )


//redirect to PA Wallet website


//redirect to Emojigames website

//redirect to Emojigames website's eSports result history page
pasdk.OPENLINK('pocketarena', 'esportsHistory');

//redirect to Emojigames website's eSports leaderboard page
pasdk.OPENLINK('pocketarena', 'esportsLeaderboard');

OPENLINK(siteName, pageName)

Open PA Wallet or Pocket Arena website page.

siteName argument

Type Value Description
String wallet Redirect to PA Wallet website in new tab.
pocketarena Redirect to Pocket Arena website in new tab.

pageName argument for pocketarena

Type Value Description
String esportsHistory Redirect to eSports result history page of Pocket Arena website in new tab.
esportsLeaderboard Redirect to eSports leaderboard page of Pocket Arena website in new tab.

Account API



pasdk.PLAYER.GETINFO()    //see below

player object : for player signed in

    "nickname":"Spike Kang",

player object : for player who is not signed in

    "rewardExp" : 87,
    "isAnonymous": true


Get player’s information such as email, name, and so on. isAnonymous is returned only for player who is not signed in.

Return value

Type Description
Object if player is not signed in. isAnonymous is returned for non-signed player only.

player object : for player signed in

Type Key Key Description
String country Player country
String countryCode Player country code
String email Player email
String idType Determine if it's SNS account or email account
email or sns
String image Player profile image
Boolean isVerified true if player finished email verification
String languageCode Player language code
Number level Player level
String nickname Player nickname
Object rewardExp Player's POC and level exp info
Number POC POC amount that player will get when his/her level is up.
Number exp Player's level exp in percent, max 99.

player object : for player who is not signed in

Type Key Description
Number rewardExp Player's level exp info, in percent, max 99.
Boolean isAnonymous true always, since this key is for non-signed player

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.SETINFO( nickname, countryCode, languageCode, currentPassword, newPassword, onComplete, onError )

pasdk.PLAYER.SETINFO('Brandon Jeong', 'KR', 'KR', '12341234', '12341234', 
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

PLAYER.SETINFO(nickname, countryCode, languageCode, currentPassword, newPassword, onComplete, onError)

Set player’s information such as email, name, birthday, and gender.

nickname argument

Type Description
String / Null null if player is not signed in.

countryCode argument

Type Description
String* Required. Player's country code

languageCode argument

Type Description
String* Required. Player's language code. Supported languages EN, DE, and KR

currentPassword argument

Type Description
String Player's current password. At least 8, and up to 50 characters

newPassword argument

Type Description
String New password that player set to change. At least 8, and up to 50 characters

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.GETACTIVITY( onComplete, onError )

    console.log('res', activity)     //see below 'activity' object
}, function(err) {

activity object


PLAYER.GETACTIVITY(onComplete, onError)

Get player’s PA activity statistic such as number of wins, loses, and last access time.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.GETMYPOC( onComplete, onError )

    console.log('res', balance) //4
}, function(err) {

PLAYER.GETMYPOC(onComplete, onError)

Get current POC balance

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Number / null balance POC balance player currently has. Returns null, if player has not done verification.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



    console.log('res', amount); //4
}, function(err) {


Check if user has new messages or not. It returns amount of new(unread) messages.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Number amount Total number of new/unread messages. 0, if none.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.GETMESSAGE( limit, page, onComplete, onError )`

pasdk.PLAYER.GETMESSAGE(null, null, function(list, hasNext){
    console.log('success', list, hasNext);  // success (see below for list), true
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

notification object

  "title":"Notice Title",
  "description":"Notice Description",

messages object

  "title":"Message Title",
  "description":"Message Description",

prizes object

  "title":"Prize Title",
  "description":"Prize Description",

PLAYER.GETMESSAGE( limit, page, onComplete, onError )

Get player's messages

limit argument

Type Description
Number / null Amount of messages to display in a page. default 10

page argument

Type Description
Number / null Page number to load. default 1

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Object list List of messages. See list object below.
Boolean hasNext true there are more pages. false there is no more pages.

list object

Type Key Description
Array notices List of notice object
Array messages List of message object
Array prizes List of prize object

notification object

Type Key Description
String notificationno Notification number. Unique.
String notificationtype Notification type. 1 : system notice, 2 : reward via eSports
String title Title
String description Description
String\Null pocamount POC amount
Boolean isread Status whether the message is read or not. true if it's read, otherwise false
Timestamp registdate Registered date

messages object

Type Key Description
String messageboxno Message number. Unique.
String messageboxtype Message type. 1 : system notice, 2 : reward via eSports
String winnertype Winner type. 1 : Team winner, 2 : Final winner eSports
This is for eSports games.
String title Title
String description Description
Boolean isread Status whether the message is read or not. true if it's read, otherwise false
Timestamp registdate Registered date

prizes object

Type Key Description
String prizeno Prize number. Unique.
String prizetype Prize type. 1 : system notice, 2 : reward via eSports
String title Title
String description Description
Boolean isread Status whether the message is read or not. true if it's read, otherwise false
Timestamp registdate Registered date
Timestamp expiredate Expire date

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.UPDATEMESSAGE( action, mode, messageNo, options, onComplete, onError )

pasdk.PLAYER.UPDATEMESSAGE('read', 'msg', 1, {}, function(){
}, function(err) {

PLAYER.UPDATEMESSAGE( action, mode, messageNo, options, onComplete, onError )

Check if user has new messages or not. It returns amount of new(unread) messages.

action argument

Type Description
String read to set a message as read.
delete to delete a message.

mode argument

Type Description
String noti for notification
msg for message
prize for prize

messageNo argument

Type Description
Number Notification, message, or prize unique number.

options argument

Type Description
Object Not used yet.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.GETITEM( onComplete, onError )

    console.log('success', list);       //see below
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

item object

  "title":"Iron Ball",
  "subtitle":"Destroy all kind of bircks",

PLAYER.GETITEM(onComplete, onError)

Get player’s item list

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Array list List of item object. See below

item object

Type Key Description
String itemshopno Item shop number
String title Item title
String subtitle Item subtitle
String itemimage Item image url
String price Item price
String itemtype 1 : All mode (single and multi play)
2 : Single play
3 : Multi play
String itemstatus 1 : Not yet on market
2 : On market
String itemlevel Item level
String itemexp Item experience

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.UPDATEITEM( items, onComplete, onError )

//'items' array should contains all 'item' objects from ITEM.GETGAMEITEM
var items = [{
             title:"Iron Ball",
             subtitle:"Destroy all kind of bircks",

pasdk.PLAYER.UPDATEITEM( items, function(){
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

PLAYER.UPDATEITEM( items, onComplete, onError )

Update player’s item list

items argument

Type Description
Array Array of containing item object.It should include not only items to update, but also the other items those player have. Item object is from ITEM.GETGAMEITEM

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);


Send an email that contains verification link.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


PLAYER.SIGNOUT( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.PLAYER.SIGNOUT( function( onComplete, onError ){
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

PLAYER.SIGNOUT( onComplete, onError )

Remove user’s session data

Game API


GAME.START( onComplete, onError )

}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err)

GAME.START( onComplete, onError )

Call when a game start. This API must be called for every single play.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GAME.REPORTSCORE( score, type, code, onComplete, onError )

var score = 22,
    type = 0,    //single play
    code = 1;   //win

pasdk.GAME.REPORTSCORE(score, type, code, function(rewardpoc){
    console.log('rewardpoc', rewardpoc) //rewardpoc null | 14
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

GAME.REPORTSCORE(score, type, code, onComplete, onError)

Call when a game has finished to record the score to leaderboard. User’s sign in status can change after API call.

score argument

Type Description
Number Score to send

type argument

Type Value Description
Number 0 Single play
1 Multi play

code argument

Type Value Description
Number 0 Single
1 Win
2 Lose
3 Draw

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Number / Null rewardPOC Amount of POC as a reward. If this argument’s value is not null, either you can use UI.REWARD API or build your own UI using GETREWARDPOC

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GAME.SETSAVEDATA( data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, onComplete, onError )

var data1 = '980;',
    data2 = '295;263;||263;262;',
    data3 = '',
    data4 = '4000',
    data5 = '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;'

pasdk.GAME.SETSAVEDATA(data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, function(){
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

GAME.SETSAVEDATA( data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, onComplete, onError )

Set user game data

data1 ~ data5 arguments

Type Argument Description
String / Null data1 Any data. Send null if there is nothing to save.
String / Null data2 Any data. Send null if there is nothing to save.
String / Null data3 Any data. Send null if there is nothing to save.
String / Null data4 Any data. Send null if there is nothing to save.
String / Null data5 Any data. Send null if there is nothing to save.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GAME.GETSAVEDATA( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.GAME.GETSAVEDATA(function(data1, data2, data3, data4, data5){
    console.log('data', data1, data2, data3, data4, data5)  //data '980;' '' '295;263;||263;262;' '4000' '3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;'
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

GAME.GETSAVEDATA(onComplete, onError)

Get user game data

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
String data1 Any data. When it's empty, Empty string('') will be returned.
String data2 Any data. When it's empty, Empty string('') will be returned.
String data3 Any data. When it's empty, Empty string('') will be returned.
String data4 Any data. When it's empty, Empty string('') will be returned.
String data5 Any data. When it's empty, Empty string('') will be returned.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


GAME.LEADERBOARD( refresh, onComplete, onError )

var refresh = true;

pasdk.GAME.LEADERBOARD(refresh, function(leaderboard){
    console.log('leaderboard', leaderboard)     //see below 'leaderboard' object
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err) 

Value of leaderboard for normal mode

         //see below 'entry' object

Value of leaderboard for eSports mode

   "gametitle":"Cricket Championship",
   "durationno": 2,
   "remaintime": 234550,
   "bgimage": "https:\/\/\/upload\/game\/pic\/1.png",
   "stageno": "20",
   "myleaderno": 24,
   "groupno": 1,
   "leadercount": 2,
         //see below 'entry' object
   "rewards": [{
           "reward_en": {
               "title_1": "Final 10 users : $60   50 POC",
               "title_2": "TOP 3 of each Group :50 POC ",
               "description": "Final 10 users will be selected …...."
           "reward_de": {
               "title_1": "Final 10 users : $60   50 POC",
               "title_2": "TOP 3 of each Group :50 POC ",
               "description": "Final 10 users will be selected …...."

           "reward_zh": {
               "title_1": "Final 10 users : $60   50 POC",
               "title_2": "TOP 3 of each Group :50 POC ",
               "description": "Final 10 users will be selected …...."

           "reward_ko": {
               "title_1": "Final 10 users : $60   50 POC",
               "title_2": "TOP 3 of each Group :50 POC ",
               "description": "Final 10 users will be selected …...."

entry object. Values are the same in both mode.

    "nickname":"Spike Kang12",
 }, {  

GAME.LEADERBOARD(refresh, onComplete, onError)

Get leaderboard data. Ordered by rank ascending

refresh argument

Type Description
Boolean true, get leaderboard data from server.
false, get leaderboard data from SDK local data.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows. There are two ways the value returned.
Normal mode and eSports mode

leaderboard argument

  1. normal mode
Type Key Key Description
String myranking User's rank
Object leader Leaderboard data
Number rowcount Total number of entries
Array leaderdata Leaderboard list data. See entry object below
String type Leaderboard type. 0 : Win, 1 : Score
Number totalcount Total number of entries
  1. eSports mode
Type Key Key Description
String eventtitle Its value will be returned if event exists. Otherwise, empty string("")
String gameid Game id of current game
String gameesportsno eSports number
String gametitle Title of current eSports game
Number durationno
Number remaintime Remaining time of this duration. in seconds.
String bgimage Background image to decorate current eSports' status. Developers can use their own image.
String stageno Stage number for this duration.
Number myleaderno Number of my leaderboard.
Number groupno Group number of my leaderboard.
Number leadercount Total number of leaderboard entries.
Object leader This one has below properties.
Number rowcount Total number of leaderboard entries.
Array leaderdata Leaderboard list data. See entry object below
Array rewards list of reward object. See below reward object.

reward object

Type Key Key Description
Object reward_(language code, ex) en) This one has below properties.
String title_1 Title
String title_2 Title
String description Description

entry object

Both normal and eSports mode are the same.

Type Key Description
String ranking Entry user's ranking
String nickname Entry user's nickname
String gamescore Entry user's gamescore
String isme 0 : Not user, 1 : User
String locale Entry user's locale
String picture Entry user's profile image. '' for user who doesn't have profile image

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



var eSportsStat = pasdk.GAME.GETESPORTSSTATUS();
// eSportsStat, when eSports is goin on 
// { bgimage: ""
// durationno: 14
// enddate: 1560729600
// enddates: "2019-06-17 00:00:00"
// gametitle: "Cricket"
// ischampion: "0"
// remaintime: 71367
// startdate: 1560643200
// startdates: "2019-06-16 00:00:00"
// totaluser: "0" }

// eSportsStat, when eSports is NOT goin on
// null


Get eSports status information

Return value

Type Value Description
String bgimage Rank is based on number of win
Number duration Duration no
timestamp startdate Datetime of eSports start. ex) 1560643200
timestamp enddate Datetime of eSports end. ex) 1560729600
String startdates Formatted of startdate. ex) "2019-06-16 00:00:00"
String enddates Formatted of enddate. ex) "2019-06-16 00:00:00"
String gametitle Game title.
String ischampion 0, when it's Casual eSports.
1, when it's PA Championship.
timestamp remaintime Time indicating how long current eSports is going to be.

Item API


ITEM.GETGAMEITEM( onComplete, onError )

    console.log('list', list);   //see below
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

item object

    "title":"Super Ball",
    "subtitle":"Destroy all kind of bircks",

ITEM.GETGAMEITEM( onComplete, onError )

Get items that game offers to users

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

list argument

Type Description
Array List of item object

item object

Type Argument Description
String itemshopno Item shop number
String title Item title
String subtitle Item subtitle
String itemimage Item image url
String price Item price
String itemtype 1 : All mode
2 : single play
3 : multi play
String marketyn 1 : Using item in blockchain
2 : Not using item in blockchain
String productid Product ID from EmojiGames itemshop. Empty string('') when marketyn is 0

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



    console.log('list', list)       //see below
}, function(err){
    console.log('err', err)

item object

    "title":"Iron Ball",
    "subtitle":"Destroy all kind of bircks",


Check if user is given default items. It not, it will be given.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Array list List of item object. Same from PLAYER.GETITEM

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


ITEM.PURCHASE( items, onComplete, onError )

//list of 'item' object
var items = [{
    title:"Super Ball",
    subtitle:"Destroy all kind of bircks",

pasdk.ITEM.PURCHASE(items, function(){
}, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

ITEM.PURCHASE( items, onComplete, onError )

Call when user purchases an item from ITEM.GETGAMEITEM API

items argument

Type Description
Array List of item object to send to server. Same item from ITEM.GETGAMEITEM API

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


Display UI on screen such as leaderboard, login/sign up and tokenshop. Please note that …
1. animation duration of modal open and closing is 400ms. This may close a modal that is called during the animation phase.
2. User’s login status can be changed after UI API call. For example, user who is not logged in can login or signup when the modal is open, because some contents are required login/sign up and the UI will prompt the user to login/sign up modal.
3. .modal-overlay is the wrapper element of the modal UI, and its z-index is 100.


UI.SIGNUP( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.UI.SIGNUP(function(player, poc){
    console.log('success', player, poc)     //success {...} 87568
}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)

UI.SIGNUP( onComplete, onError )

Display sign up modal

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Object player Player info. See PLAYER.GETINFO
Number / Null poc null if user has not done verification. Otherwise POC balance.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.SIGNIN( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.UI.SIGNIN(function(player, poc){
    console.log('success', player, poc)     //success {...} 87568
}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)

UI.SIGNIN( onComplete, onError )

Display login modal

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onComplete returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Object player Player info. See PLAYER.GETINFO
Number / Null poc null if user has not done verification. Otherwise POC balance.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.MYPROFILE( onComplete, onError )

}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)

UI.MYPROFILE( onComplete, onError )

Display my profile modal. Please note that user can sign out and change profile info while using this UI.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when user clicks sign out button, and edit profile and closes it.
It returns below argument.

isSignedIn argument

Type Description
Boolean true if user kept the session. Otherwise, false

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.EDITPROFILE( onComplete, onError )

}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)

UI.EDITPROFILE( onComplete, onError )

Display my profile edit form modal

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when call is success.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



pasdk.UI.MESSAGEBOX(function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)


Display my message box modal

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.LEADERBOARD( onLogin, onError )

pasdk.UI.LEADERBOARD(function(player, poc){
    // onLogin
    // same as `UI.SIGNIN` or `UI.SIGNUP`'s `onComplete` argument
    console.log('success', player, poc)     //success {...} 87568
}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button
    console.log('err', err)

UI.LEADERBOARD( onLogin, onError )

Display leaderboard modal. Note that there are two types of leaderboards, normal and eSports. These leaderboards have different layout and slightly different functions. User can login or sign up from eSports leaderboard.

onLogin argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when user sign up or login by clicking eSports leaderboard.

onLogin returns belows.

Type Argument Description
Object player Player info. See PLAYER.GETINFO
Number / Null poc null if user has not done verification. Otherwise POC balance.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu



// Force to show the leaderboard

// Force to hide the leaderboard

// Show the leaderboard if the leaderboard is hidden
// Hide the leaderboard if the leaderboard is shown


Show/hide eSports leaderboard. This API works for only eSports leaderboard. So please make sure if the leaderboard type is eSports leaderboard and UI.LEADERBOARD is displayed. Note that the data is not refreshed.

show argument

Type Description
Boolean true, force to show the leaderboard
false, force to hide the leaderboard
undefined Toggle the leaderboard


UI.PATOKENSHOP( onClose, onError )

pasdk.UI.PATOKENSHOP( function(POC, purchasedItem){
    //User clicked 'X'(close) button after purchase
    console.log('success', POC, purchasedItem)      //success 19 3
}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button without purchase
    console.log('err', err)

UI.PATOKENSHOP(onClose, onError)

Display token shop modal. When purchase is made, SDK will calculate and return POC balance and the total amount of item to onClose argument.

onClose argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when user click ‘x’(close) button after purchasing item(s).

onClose returns belows.

Type Argument Description
String POC POC balance after purchase
Number purchsedItem Amount of items purchased in the modal

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.MESSAGE( message, onComplete, onError )

var message = {title : 'Hi there', 
        message: 'Welcome to Pocket Arena!<br>Want to join?',
        buttons: [
            { text : "Sure" },
            { text : "No, thanks" }     //up to two buttons

pasdk.UI.MESSAGE( message, function(idx){
    if ( idx == 0 ) {
        console.log('\'Sure\' button clicked ')
    }else if ( idx == 1 ) {
        console.log('\'No, thanks\' button clicked ')

}, function (err) {
    //ex) User clicked 'X'(close) button 
    console.log('err', err)

UI.MESSAGE( message, onComplete, onError )

Display a dialog that contains messages.

message argument

Type Description
object Setting for message dialog
Type Key Description
String title Modal title
String message Modal message
Array buttons Text for buttons. Up to two buttons. Contains button object

button object

Type Key Description
String text Button text

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when user click OK button.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when error occurrs.

See Errors menu


UI.SHARE( onComplete, onError )

pasdk.UI.SHARE( function(){
    //onComplete; nothing happens here
}, function (err) {
    //User clicked 'X'(close) button 
    console.log('err', err)

UI.SHARE( onComplete, onError )

Display a SNS share dialog. Currently, below platforms are supported.

SDK create share links using below info. So please make sure if these are set up to the index.html file.

onComplete argument

Type Description
Function This is currently not used.

onError argument

Type Description
Function Triggered when the modal is closed.



pasdk.UI.ESPORTSINFO( function(){
    // modal is closed


Display eSports information image.





Close modal that is open currently





Remove all elements that is created by SDK from DOM.


error object

  "returncode" : 400,
  "message":"BAD REQUEST",
  "userMessage":"Insufficient amount of POC."
returncode message detail userMessage
200 Modal closed MODAL_CLOSED Modal closed.
400 Bad request
ex) When clients send like below - wrong parameters and/or its value, - missing required parameters
WRONG_PARAMS_VALUE Please check your request and try it again.
LACK_OF_POC Insufficient amount of POC.
EMAIL_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE An account with this email is already in use.
WRONG_SHOP_ITEM The item could not be found in the shop.
WRONG_ID_OR_PASSWORD Invalid ID or password.
WRONG_CURRENT_PASSWORD Current password is incorrect.
WRONG_FILE_EXTENSION Wrong file extension.
WRONG_USER_INFO_OR_OTP Could not login because of wrong user info.
NEED_AGREEMENT_PACOIN Verification is required to use POC.
UNKNOWN_USER_ITEM It's an unknown user item.
UNAVAILABLE_USER_ITEM The item is unavailable.
WRONG_PASSWORD Invalid ID or password.
401 Unauthorized
Player needs to login.
ex) - Valid session time is over.
- Player signed out.
- Player is not signed in.
- disabled account
UNKNOWN_USER Unknown user.
DISABLED_ACCOUNT This account has been disabled.
SESSION_EXPIRED Session has expired.
429 Too many request TOO_MANY_SIGN_UP_WITH_SAME_IP You can not create a PA Account on your current IP address.
500 Server error
ex) server is not available, unknown error, etc
SYSTEM_ERROR Server error has occurred.
CAN_NOT_GET_USER_POC Server error has occurred.
POC_SERVER_DID_NOT_RESPONSE Server error has occurred.
CAN_NOT_REGISTER_TO_BLOCKCHAIN Server error has occurred.
502 Bad gateway BAD_GATEWAY Server error has occurred.
503 Service unavailable : ex) timeout, connection lost SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Service unavailable.
505 Unknown
Unknown error
UNKNOWN Unknown error has occurred.
Please try it later.
FAILED_TO_UPDATE_USER_DATA Save failed. Please try it again.
When message is delivered from another server. The message varies.
Format : “ETC : (a message from another server)”
ex) “ETC : error on loadAccount“